Know you need to update your website? Here's 5 important things to keep updated on your website:
Check Links
Wondering why you're not getting any sales? It could simply be that your links aren't working and no one can sign up to your offer. Go through your website and check all your call to action buttons link to the right place.
Update your copyright
Make sure your copyright is updated to the current year to protect your legal booty.
About Page
Your about page is a great opportunity to connect with your dream clients and help them to understand why you are the number one choice for them. What can you add to your story or edit to reflect where you are in business right now? Have you had an experience over the last 12 months that you'd love to share? Do you have any new credentials?
Featured Blogs or Podcasts
Have you published any amazing blog articles or podcast episodes recently that you'd love to feature? Make sure you update your featured content to reflect your best work. You could also try taking a look through your blog analytics to see which articles are most popular, and then feature those.
Social Proof
Up to date social proof makes the world of difference when it comes to turning leads into clients. Do you have any new testimonials that would be amazing to share? The more specific the results the better. Alternatively, have you collaborated with any other brands or businesses recently? You could add their logo to your "as featured in" section on your website.
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