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The anatomy of a high converting website

Looking to book more clients from your website?

High converting websites have a few features in common.

Let’s run through them now.

Simple Nav bar

Your navigation bar at the top of your website should be kept simple. Don’t distract potential clients away from the main goal of booking a service with you. However tempting it may be, If you provide links to blogs, social media, opt-ins, “about me” pages, etc on your main sales page, you are risking your client clicking away from the “book now” button - the only button that grows your business and your bank account.

Powerful transformation statement

Your hero banner (the main banner) at the top of your website is the first feature your prospective client sees when they visit your website. You need to ensure 2 things when it comes to the hero banner:

  1. That it includes a powerful transformation statement. What is the transformation that you provide, that your client deeply wants? State this in a clear, very concise way.

  2. Your transformation statement should be the same as your main source of marketing. For example, if your leads come from instagram, make sure your instagram bio is the same, or at least very similar, to your transformation statement.

ONE call to action

Your sales page should only have ONE clear call to action. Most commonly, this will be book now, or purchase here. Don’t add in other call to actions that will lead your buyer away from the goal of booking in with you - such as “join the email list” or “read the blog”. Calt to actions should ALWAYS be very clear and easy to read. A simple sans serif font is BEST for call to actions. Make sure your call to action stands out from the rest of the page by choosing a contrasting colour, or frame it in a box that stands out.

Takes you from a to b

High converting sales pages take you on a journey from the prospective client’s current reality, to their desired reality. To achieve this on your sales page, you can add in a section that compares and contrasts what life looks like now, to how life COULD look like when they invest in the solution that you are offering. To create this section in a clear and concise way, sum up each reality in a few dot points. This could take the form of “go from <current reality with dot points….to desired reality with dot points>. You could also try creating two personas. One persona is your client in the midst of their pain point, the other is your client when they have achieved their goal. Eg “tired and overworked Sally” VS “thriving Rachael”.

Trustworthy features

High converting sales pages quickly develop trust with the viewer. This occurs on a conscious as well as an unconscious level. On a conscious level, you can achieve a greater level of trust by including testimonials from past clients and customers. The best testimonials provide tangible benefits and results. Such as X more clients per month, X amount of revenue earned, X % more followers, downloads etc.

The more specific and tangible, the more effective. Think about an investment decision you have made before in your own business. What stood out to you? Was there a particular story or testimonial that wowed you?

On an unconscious level, your buyer will be looking to feel that the experience of working with you will be stress free and enjoyable. Convey this feeling by keeping the design of your page clean, professional and easy to navigate. Don’t overcrowd the design with too much copy, or too many graphics. Use font hierarchy to make the information easily scannable - the more important the information, the larger the text. Use dot points, and colour blocks to break up different sections of information.

Objection busters

Let your sales page handle objections for you. Craft some genius answers to common objections that you have received on sales calls, in the DM’s etc. Use this section of the sales page to coach your prospect through any mental barriers they may have to investing, but do your best to keep both the questions and the answers concise and to the point.


If you would love to achieve more sales from your website, and are ready to take action, places are booking now for 1:1 website audits. Walk away knowing exactly what you need to change on your website to boost your sales and site performance.



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